Major Folk Dances of odisha, Multiple Choice Questions

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Odisha, known for its vibrant culture and rich heritage. In this post we share Major Folk Dances of odisha, For aspirants preparing for competitive exams such as OPSC, ASO, OSSC, OSSSC, Odisha Police, RI, and AMIN, having knowledge about these folk dances is essential. Let’s explore some of the major folk dances of Odisha:

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Major Folk Dances of odisha

List Of Major Folk Dances of Odisha

Animal Mask Dance/Bagha NachaIt is mostly prevalent in the village of Southern Odisha, especially in Berhampur and Ganjam district. This form of dance is performed while the idols are taken out into the lanes, during the Thakurani Jatra. It is also performed in marriage.
Chaiti Ghoda DanceThis is horse dance performed in the month of Chaitra (March-April). This is mainly done in Cuttack, Jagatsinghpur, Kendrapara and Khordha districts.
Changu Nata DanceThis dance is accompanied by tambourine which is mainly played by the male members of the Bhuiyan, Bathudi, Kharia, Juang, Mechi and Kondha tribes of Sundargarh, Keonjhar, Mayurbhanj, Kandhamal, Dhenkanal, Ganjam, Koraput and Malkangiri districts of Odisha.
Danda NataIt is ancient dance form popular in Boudh district. It was started by king of Boudh to popularise the worship of Lord Shiva against the rise of Buddhism.
Dhap DanceIt is performed by Kandha tribe of Kosal region in the districts of Sambalpur and Bargarh.
Kela Keluni DanceIn this dance, only two persons take part, a Kela(male) and Keluni(the female) . The Kela plays a string instrument Ghuduki which produces a peculiar sound. This dance is mainly performed in Nayagarh, Khordha and Cuttack district.
Medha DanceIt is performed in the districts of Cuttack, Puri and Jagatsinghpur. Dancers wear oversised masks of devil, kings and queens.
Naga DanceIt is influenced by tribal dance of Nagaland and mostly performed in Puri.

Major Folk Dances of odisha Multiple choice Questions

In which region of Odisha is the Animal Mask Dance or Bagha Nacha mostly prevalent?
a) Northern Odisha
b) Western Odisha
c) Southern Odisha
d) Eastern Odisha
Answer: c) Southern Odisha

During which occasion is the Bagha Nacha dance performed?
a) Rath Yatra
b) Durga Puja
c) Thakurani Jatra
d) Diwali
Answer: c) Thakurani Jatra

Which dance form is known as the Horse Dance and is performed in the month of Chaitra?
a) Chaiti Ghoda Dance
b) Changu Nata Dance
c) Danda Nata
d) Dhap Dance
Answer: a) Chaiti Ghoda Dance

Where is the Chaiti Ghoda Dance mainly performed?
a) Southern Odisha
b) Northern Odisha
c) Western Odisha
d) Eastern Odisha
Answer: d) Eastern Odisha

Which tribes perform the Changu Nata Dance in Odisha?
a) Bhuiyan, Bathudi, Kharia, Juang, Mechi, and Kondha
b) Santhal, Munda, and Oraon
c) Gond, Koya, and Bondo
d) Bonda, Dongria Kondh, and Didayi
Answer: a) Bhuiyan, Bathudi, Kharia, Juang, Mechi, and Kondha

Which districts are associated with the Danda Nata dance form in Odisha?
a) Berhampur and Ganjam
b) Cuttack, Jagatsinghpur, Kendrapara, and Khordha
c) Boudh
d) Sambalpur and Bargarh
Answer: c) Boudh

Who started the Danda Nata dance to popularize the worship of Lord Shiva?
a) King of Boudh
b) King of Cuttack
c) King of Ganjam
d) King of Berhampur
Answer: a) King of Boudh

Which tribe performs the Dhap Dance in the Kosal region of Odisha?
a) Kandha
b) Juang
c) Bathudi
d) Santhal
Answer: a) Kandha

In which districts is the Kela Keluni Dance mainly performed?
a) Sundargarh, Keonjhar, Mayurbhanj
b) Nayagarh, Khordha, Cuttack
c) Bargarh, Sambalpur
d) Cuttack, Puri, Jagatsinghpur
Answer: b) Nayagarh, Khordha, Cuttack

What instrument does the Kela play in the Kela Keluni Dance?
a) Tambourine
b) Flute
c) Ghuduki
d) Dhol
Answer: c) Ghuduki

Where is the Medha Dance performed in Odisha?
a) Sundargarh and Keonjhar
b) Bargarh and Sambalpur
c) Cuttack, Puri, and Jagatsinghpur
d) Koraput and Malkangiri
Answer: c) Cuttack, Puri, and Jagatsinghpur

What do dancers wear in the Medha Dance?
a) Oversized masks of devils, kings, and queens
b) Animal masks
c) Traditional sarees
d) Tribal attire
Answer: a) Oversized masks of devils, kings, and queens

Which dance form in Odisha is influenced by tribal dance from Nagaland?
a) Bagha Nacha
b) Chaiti Ghoda Dance
c) Danda Nata
d) Naga Dance
Answer: d) Naga Dance

In which city is the Naga Dance mostly performed?
a) Berhampur
b) Cuttack
c) Puri
d) Boudh
Answer: c) Puri

During which month is the Chaiti Ghoda Dance performed?
a) January-February
b) March-April
c) May-June
d) October-November
Answer: b) March-April

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